settembre 2014

After buying a Yaesu FT101ZD, a keyer for CW operations it was a must to have.

Lot of possible solution, low cost and surely effective.

But what a good opportunity to play with the ATmega328.

I had all the needed parts it the junk box.

Just decided to play with the sleep mode inside AVR, use a rotary encoder ready for the scope, and use some smart features with the encoder push button to record click, double click and long click events.

So just push the button for one second and the keyer goes in sleep mode. Push the button again and it weak up ready to play.

Nice feature. Really enjoy to play with. And for sure I had to measure the real current consumption in sleep mode.

So after whole shutdown procedure I could measure 10uA in battery current. Very good result.

Power supply from 3 AAA battery.


push button: turn on / switch from iambic A / B

double push button: send call (t.b.d.)

long push button: turn the keyer off

Here is the schematic

And here some snapshot: